Get rid of excess weight at home dreaming with nearly one out of every two people, but as you start to lose weight, you know very far away from each one.
Because of this, the slimming process of systematically delayed "tomorrow", and kilograms in the meantime, just added. A visual guide to action is just what we need.

When there is a plan that defines the sequence of the process, the easiest person to begin to lose weight. Prepare a step by step guide, and call you "With that you start to lose weight."
Step # 1. Analysis and self-diagnostics
To determine the objective, it is necessary to perform a self test. It is an important step in the onset of thinning, since the result becomes the only reference point that must be remembered throughout the program.
- Perform calculations of ideal weight for you. You can use the calculator calculate the ideal body weight or based on the weight, in that what feels comfortable and good. Remember that the end goal must be real, therefore, do not overstate your strengths and possibilities.
- Make basic measurements of the volumes of the body (chest, belly, hips, thighs). In the process of weight loss happen time, when the weight of the "costs" in the place, and the volumes continue to decline.
- Write down the initials of the measurements in notepad.
- To help you track your results, download the poster, in which you can celebrate with your measurements and the date of the measurement. (the link takes you to yandex, the disc is absolutely safe and free)
The psychological aspect. Many people, quite frankly, wonder: "Why can't I stop eating?". Sometimes the reason becomes the stress, the depression, the chronic disease that you get enough sleep, the fatigue of these moments you must also fight. For a better motivation to think outside stimulus.
We say "NO" to harmful food
Step no. 2. We put the objective and the time
He has made the calculations and were some of the results – become the main goal, which can be displayed, so as not to fall. Make colorful poster, place it in a visible place on your photo, where if gustáis, etc
Install real terms. Not apresuráis event, the rapid thinning is the same as the quick return of weight, or to breakdowns. Optimal reduction of the body mass of 3 to 4 kg in a month. Weigh yourself 1 time a week, and take note of the results in your journal.
Step # 3. We hope that the calorie content of the diet
How to lose weight at home: step-by-step
Many people have excess weight and don't want, or can't go to gyms. Feel at home and want to lose weight. Yes, you can, and the house to lose weight, but to train anyway. But, above all, by order.
In general, losing weight at home is not different from the diet in the living room (as the body is one and the same) and consists of four components:
- The diet (40% success)
- Cardio-load (30% success)
- A set of exercises (20% success)
- Sports nutrition (10% success)
And these items are sorted in descending order of importance. If the sport of power can be ignored, and there is a need, a diet is the base. With it and we're going to start.
By the way, I forgot to warn you, the topic of lose weight at home – is too broad to accommodate in a single article. Therefore, this article will be links to other articles.
The diet
On our web site is now ready the menu for weight loss. There is nothing to invent. You just have to follow this menu. Here they are:
- Women menu for weight loss
- The men menu for weight loss

The same, who does not want to have anything, you can go about it another way – the being of itself menu. But to do this it is necessary to know the basic principles of nutrition for weight loss: the 5 principles of the power to lose weight. And you also know how much you need to eat kcal a day: how Many calories should consume a day to lose weight
Has the purpose of speeding up your metabolism and make your body spend energy. For example, a girl who weighs 60 kg in 30 minutes slow jog to spend around 350 kcal. Approximately 20% of their costs and expenses.
As cardio, great for any physical activity, while its average pulse is about 130 beats per minute, or more. This can be running, cardiovascular equipment, swimming, cycling, football, sex. Whatever.
Very important parameter is the frequency in cardiovascular. It is better to train 3 days in a row of 30 minutes a day of 1.30. Ideally, you should be 4 – 5 cardio a week, minimum of 40 minutes. From 40 minutes to 60. But this is the case, if you do not use a third pillar.
The complex of exercises
Refers to training with weights, dumbbells and other weights. Many will wonder: why are they necessary, if the goal is to lose weight. The answer is simple. These exercises are only necessary to take out the maximum party to keep the muscles from destruction.
Agree that a beautiful figure is constructed not only to the lack of fat, but when she enough of the muscles. When you start to lose weight – the body indiscriminate burning, and the fat and the muscles.
And strength training you "make" your body to maintain the muscles. That as they say: "Friend, thou seest that the external environment habitat makes to work your muscles.
Save! In such conditions, you will not after you".
The complex of exercises in the home diet for women:
And for the men:
4. Sports nutrition
This element is optional for weight loss. But as the nutrition can facilitate and accelerate a little bit this process. This includes full-fat burners, L-carnitine, protein, and amino acids. With the current prices on the sport feed you'll have that in the month of approximately 3000 – 6000 rubles. For more details, here: can the sports nutrition is ideal for weight loss.
I repeat once more, for this component to weight loss is optional. But, to proficient use, you may well help those who are losing weight very difficult.
1. As you can see, the slimming process is based not only on a diet. More precisely, can be based only on the diet. And you really are going to lose weight, although not as effective. But, in the first place, in such cases, the diet should be more rigid. And it is unlikely that you will be able to follow this diet throughout life. And in the second place, along with the fat will go away and your muscles. Muscles even disappear before.
2. Personally, I advise to the 4 components of the implement at the same time. However, if you have very little physical preparation, the first month, you may be limited by some complex exercises without cardio.
3. Optimum speed of weight loss – 4-5 kg in a month. If you're going to lose weight faster, which means that is lost along with fat and the muscles also.
4. If you use the cardio, and a series of exercises, ideally should be approximately 5 sessions of exercise a week. 2 – 3 cardio, and 2 – 3 weight training and free weights.
How to eat to lose weight

Not only in our country but all over the world a large number of people suffers from obesity. Even if the weight is not more than a quintal, many receive the abdomen rounded and arises the desire to be rid of him. But all is not so simple.
Excess weight accumulates for many different reasons: hereditary diseases, the mode of nutrition, life style, characteristics and preferences in the diet, the amount of food ingested, the multiplicity of reception and others. Agree, if he had traveled, and day-to-day is held tens of kilometers, hardly appeared the roundness in the belly area.
If disease is the cause, can not do without the consultation of a doctor. Without the help of a specialist, there's not much you can do. But if the excess weight appeared, sitting at the table working, love to plop down on the sofa, the daily consumption of hamburgers and series products, bp, you just have to decide to lose weight or continue to gain weight.
Being overweight is a serious problem, a few extra pounds influences the well-being and performance. Therefore, run situation it is not worth. Even if it is once in a while to put the weight in yourself physically: make the load in the morning, runs a couple of times a week, take the stairs instead of the elevator. All of these actions are simple and that do not require large efforts, and the result pleasantly.
If you have taken the decision to slim down, please read the following information. It is not worth to immediately jump to the first available diet or follow the recommendations of friends there once a day and drink a tablespoon of water. Do not go to extremes, they will regret.
It is necessary the consultation of a nutritionist or endocrine systems, to evaluate the state of health, determine the factor of redundancy of weight, give you recommendations and balanced diet, and how to improve the mode of work and rest, advice for a correct diet. The drastic changes in the life style it's not worth doing, so as not to compromise the health. The body, on the contrary, it is going to accumulate more body fat, and you are going to take a bad mood.
The decision to give your life a little bit of sport is welcome. But you should not abuse it. It is not necessary every day to run around the house for an hour. In the first place, the body is not prepared for the suddenness of the load. In the second place, you already after a couple of days, rejects the idea of losing weight and get back to the cakes and pies.
Important, little by little change their way. Forget foods rich in fats and make small walks in the morning, make your way, and start to run, going to find what you need in the diet.
The most important thing at the moment to slim down, not only to form the mode of day and so competent to eat. What type of energy and in what quantity you are going to receive the body, it depends on the later success of the program to get rid of the extra kilos.
It is important to carry out two tasks:
- Determine the amount of kilos you will lose, after passing from the band of the obstacles in the way of a special regime of power.
- Learn to plan a set of products and the number of them, by the count of calories.
Make a journal to record all of your snacks and complete lunches, breakfasts and dinners. This will allow you to calculate the amount of calories you consumed in the last day.
The next step – eliminate from your diet products that it prevents to reach the goal:
- Cakes and buns.
- Smoked foods.
- Thick meats and fish, pickles.
- Potatoes.
- The ginger bread cookies and the like.
- Sweets and delicacies, cakes and pastries (well, at least for a time).
The list is quite long, but these commodities. And that is to eat, not only so as not to die of hunger, but of stock up on energy throughout the day?
- A selection of soups — they are useful and nutritious.
- The meat varieties that are low in fat (veal, beef, poultry) and fish (cod, perch, pike perch, haddock) are not prohibited cooked. Their number should be avoided. And not to be used in fried.
- Eggs.
- The fruits and vegetables. A large amount of vitamins.
- The tea, the coffee.
- Dairy products.
- The pasta and cereals.
- Bread with bran flour, semolina.
- The vegetable oil.
But this does not mean that such products can be eaten in quantities, they feed during the day. The meaning of the diet is to consume as much food, the time necessary for life.
Detailed menus of the week

In the day you should be around 2500 calories. Triple to eat, the distributed of the following way:
- Breakfast – 35%
- Lunch – 40%
- The dinner is 25%
Schedule the menu for the week. Unleash the imagination, to diversify the diet, to be complete. We present different forms of the intake of food, and collected that's right for you.
- Oatmeal in the water (you can add nuts and raisins), a glass of milk, two eggs.
- The mashed potatoes, boiled fish, a glass of milk.
- Muesli with milk (or dry breakfast), an egg, the juice.
The second breakfast
- Banana, orange and yogurt.
- Nonfat cottage cheese, sour cream, apple.
- A glass of milk and pancakes with cottage cheese.
- The soup, buckwheat porridge with mushrooms, the pumpkin salad with the tomatoes and the juice.
- The ear, the cut of meat, of vegetables, a glass of juice.
- The beetroot soup, buckwheat porridge, zrazy, cocoa.
The afternoon tea
- Fruit yogurt.
- Vegetable salad with sour cream, juice.
- A cheese sandwich, a glass of milk.
The dinner
- Salad, boiled chicken, green tea.
- Fishing for steak, the Greek salad, a glass of milk.
- Chicken, vegetable salad, tea.
This is only an approximation to the charter, number of meals and the suite of products. Try to avoid monotony. You should have the pleasure of food and a full set of useful substances.